Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Corban's First 2 weeks

Both Jonathan and Aaron spent their first two weeks of life in the NICU, so having Corban home with us from the beginning was a strange and wonderful miracle! Now nearly a month later we are still adjusting to being a family of 5!! But looking back at Corban's first two weeks we were so excited to introduce him to family and friends in the comfort of our own home!!
Aaron showing Corban a musical Glow Worm toy
Aaron has lots of kisses for Corban
Corban meets Auntie Ceage and "Uncle" Dustin
My sweet sister brought me flowers!
Sleeping soundly 8 days old
The boys with Grandma Leslee
Corban with Grandpa Dave
Wide awake! 9 days old
Meeting Cousin Cameron
Corban with Cousins Cameron & Natalie and Auntie Crystal
Auntie Crystal and Corban
Corban and Uncle Danny
Natalie & Corban- 2months 10 days apart!
Corban with Stacey and Aaron

Joshua, Stacey & Corban
Stacey, Drew & Corban
1st bath at home- 13 days old
All clean!!

Love him!
Corban had his 2 week check up and everything is looking good. His weight when we were discharged from the hospital was 7lbs 4oz, and his weight at his 2 week check up was 8lbs 4oz, so he was up one whole pound!! I also had a two week check up with Dr. Brunel and after ending the pregnancy at 161lbs, I weighed in at 139lbs, so I'd lost 22pounds!! Woo-Hoo!! Honestly the first two weeks were really tough. I was in a lot of pain.. back pain from the spinal, pain from a 3rd degree tear, pain from nursing... add in two older and very energetic kiddos and a newborn who was eating every1-2 hours around the clock, and a big lack of sleep and things were off to a rough start for sure. I actually broke down in tears the Saturday after we brought Corban home, just so tired and in pain, and frustrated with not being able to get everything done. It's still been a big adjustment for me... I'm a doer, a list maker, and I get things done... but now things are different. This little wonderful person needs a lot of my time and everything else just has to wait and pile up (aka dishes, laundry, etc). Thank goodness we've been so blessed with so many people bringing us meals! I just couldn't add cooking to the list! I also praise God that Kris can work from home most days giving me some extra support. He's been incredible, taking the baby so I can shower or grab a nap. I'm so glad to have him as my teammate. So I'm learning to redefine my priorities... if I'm able to get all 3 kiddos their meals and snacks for the day and get a shower, well that is a great day! Anything else on top of that is overachieving for now.

Corban's Birth Story

Well he's nearly one month old already! Where does the time go? Things are finally settling down enough for me to get some time to get the details down before my memory completely evaporates.
Walking with Avalon

Dr. Brunel called us on Monday afternoon (Oct 29th) and said that the birth center had openings on Tuesday for our induction. We scheduled the induction for 7:30am the next day. I did start to freak out a little bit and was glad that the induction hadn't been scheduled for weeks, giving me more time to stress out. My mom came and picked up the big boys to stay overnight at my parents' house since we had to be at the hospital so early. With the house so quiet, Kris and I didn't quite know what to do with ourselves on our last night as a family of 4. He suggested talking a walk in the fields behind our subdivision. So just before sundown we took the dogs and ended up walking for almost 2 hours around a makeshift motocross track- it was all dirt and rocks with some hilly parts. I started having stronger contractions almost immediately, at times even having to stop and wait until they passed before continuing our walk. We were hoping that with the walking I might show up at the hospital in the morning and be far enough along that we could skip the pitocin. As we rounded the bend for home, I caught a whiff from the local pizza place and that's all it took. I HAD to have pizza for dinner. Nevermind that I'd already cooked a porkloin and it was waiting for us at home.
The last supper before baby
Thankfully Kris was willing to indulge this last pregnancy craving, provided that we walked across the street to the grocery store (I had a coupon for a free pizza.. see it was just meant to be, lol). We hit up the grocery store for my frozen pizza and an ice cream treat (Kris insisted that since I would be going through labor in less than 12 hours I totally deserved it. I love that man!).

I wish I could say that I drifted off peacefully and enjoyed a restful night's sleep, but that simply wasn't the case. I didn't end up eating my much desired pizza until after 8pm, and then ate way too much, so the heartburn and indigestion were a given. I slept upright in the living room chair all night long and probably got about 2 hours of sleep.

39 weeks 1 day, Let's get this party started!
In the morning we were up and on our way, running late though which stressed me out. We arrived at the birth center and ended up waiting around (isn't that what always happens when I'm running late and freaking out about it? Hurry up and wait I guess.). Turned out another one of Dr. Brunel's patients had come in and might be in active labor and that they couldn't work with both of us at the same time. The time in limbo was short lived though, about 5 min later, Dr. came in and said that the other lady wasn't in active labor they were sending her home and I would get to stay and have my baby. YIPPEE!! Turns out all that walking the night before had dilated me to 4cm, but I wasn't having regular contractions so I still needed the pitocin to get the contractions going. Dr. said that he figured things would move quickly and that we'd have our baby by lunchtime. Honestly I had some apprehension about the delivery... would I know what to do... could I do it?
He's here!!
Corban & Daddy
So the time line went as follows:
8am  arrived at hospital, dilated to 4cm
9am Pitocin started, water broken, still at 4cm
11:30am Dilated to 6cm, got my spinal pain relief!
11:40am Dilated to 10cm, doctor paged
12:11am Corban born!!

Corban & Dr. Brunel

This was the best labor and delivery ever! With JJ and AJ I was on a heavy muscle relaxer to keep my blood pressure in check and I was pretty much useless. I had no idea what was going on, I was lethargic, pretty much a zombie, I couldn't feel anything. This time though, I was breathing through the contractions pretty well. Then the nurse turned up the pitocin and after 3 contractions at the new dosage, I was nearly in tears and telling Kris to page the anesthesiologist! I was excited to find out that I'd gotten to 6cm before getting the medication! Once the spinal went in I was a much happier camper. I could still feel the contractions, but the pain was gone. The nurse warned me that I'd probably be fully dilated pretty quickly, but I didn't believe her. Sure enough though 3 contractions later I was telling Kris to page the nurse because I felt the urge to push, in fact I'd already pushed a little!

Snuggling with Mommy!
Dr. arrived and 3-4 contractions later Corban was out. He was red and hair. Dr. said we might need to name him Esau! The best part was that Dr. Brunel put Corban on my chest and he stayed there for the longest time! Dr. Brunel and the nurses knew our story of having 2 babies whisked away to the NICU after delivery so they made sure that Corban stayed close to us! It was amazing. Corban was crying, I was crying... what a wonderful gift!! After lots of cuddle time, the nurses weighed him and got him cleaned off. His official weight was 7lbs 15.4ozs. and he ws 21 1/2 inches long. His Apgar scores were 8 and then 9, taken at birth and then 5 minutes later(we've never had a baby who's Apgar's went up!! Both JJ and AJ's scores went down). After getting his picture taken with Dr. and getting loved on by Daddy, Corban was able to nurse (another first for us).

Tipping the scale at nearly 8lbs!!! A full 2 lbs bigger than J!!

Celebratory Raspberry Cheesecake! YUM!
Having our hearing test- passed with flying colors

The rest of the day was spent just staring at our beautiful boy! I felt pretty good at first, then got very nauseous and was itchy all over... apparently normal side effects from the spinal. I couldn't hold any food down which was disappointing because I was hungry! After some anti-spinal medication I finally started feeling better around 11pm and then I devoured most of what was in our hospital snack bag before falling asleep.
1st bath- not too crazy about it.

Sweet Sleeper

Daddy changing a poopy diaper- ICK!!

My mom brought the big brothers to meet Corban and they were so excited!
Corban & Grandma
Jonathan meets Corban

Aaron's first picture as a Big Brother!
Ready to go home!! 2 days old!
We were discharged on Thursday afternoon and our baby actually came home with us! We had such a wonderful experience! Thanks so much to our fantastic doctor, Dr. Brunel and our excellent nurses: Patty, Renee, Mindy, Stacie, and Sally.
Corban & Stacie
Corban & Renee

"Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!" 
2 Corinthians 9:15

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Waiting for Baby!

Aside from growing a baby, we have been up to other things believe it or not! This is our 3rd year of homeschooling and we are loving it. Jonathan is in 1st grade and Aaron is in preschool. It can be a challenge juggling the two different grades and we're still working the bugs out, but both boys seem to be learning and enjoying it. We try and do history, science, and Bible together while keeping math and language arts separate, although both boys seem to hover when the other is learning, excited to see what's going on.

One of Aaron's favorite activities is to use pom pom magnets. I ran across the idea on one of the blogs I follow so I bought a cookie sheet from the dollar store as well as pom poms and magnetic tape...add in some printable worksheets, and he's having a blast. Here he is using the pom poms to practice one-to-one correspondence with the numbers 1-10.
He surprised me the other day and counted all the way to 30!
 Recently in history we were learning about Egypt, pharaohs, and pyramids. One of the suggested follow up activities was to make a sugar cube pyramid. After dinner one evening the boys and I created their own pyramids. They had so much fun counting out the cubes and building each layer of the pyramid.
Counting Sugar Cubes

"Ta-DA!" Aaron's finished pyramid
JJ's pyramid
 Jonathan has been loving math so far this year. We are using Saxon 1. We spent a couple weeks using apples.. cutting them in half (I did the cutting) to learn about fractions, removing and counting seeds for addition practice, and Jonathan drew pictures of the seed amounts so that we could great our own pictograph.
Close up of J's apple seed drawings
 Ok and some baby news... I saw my Dr. on Friday. He said I was completely effaced and dilated to almost 3cm, which was very exciting news! He said everything else looked great, but that we did have an issue to deal with. He is leaving town on Friday the 3rd and with my due date on Monday the 5th he suggested we think about inducing sometime next week so that he would be sure to deliver the baby. I talked with him at great length about the details of inducement.. yes I would be given pitocin (which I've had before), but that I wouldn't necessarily have to stay on the medication the entire labor. If they give it to me and things get rolling on their own (which he thinks is very likely since my body is already starting toward labor on its own) then they could take me off the pitocin. Even while I'm on the pitocin I can still be up and moving around which is very important to me. While I'm not crazy about the idea of being induced, especially after praying so hard to keep this kiddo in, I'm really really really not crazy about having another dr. deliver my baby. I really want Dr. Brunel to deliver because he knows and understands all my quirky issues. Kris and I talked and prayed about it and if Corban doesn't come out on his own, we'll move forward with the inducement. I will see Dr. Brunel again on Tuesday and we'll have to coordinate with the Birth Center to schedule the induction. I'm hoping we can do it on Thursday which is Nov 1st just to give Corban the most time in utero, and that is actually Kris' dad's birthday too. We may have to go with Wednesday the 31st, but I'm not crazy about having a baby on Halloween, although we don't celebrate it because of all the evil and nasty spookiness associated with it. Turns out Oct 31st is also Reformation Day, the day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the doors of the Catholic church, thereby beginning the Reformation, which is highly important to our family's faith, so maybe the 31st wouldn't be so bad after all... Either way, Corban will be here in less than 5 days!!! EEEK!!!! 

Over the last couple days I've had what's likely to be the last burst of nesting energy! I made a gallon of yogurt, shredded 33 cups of chicken, cooked 2 pounds of pinto beans, made 27 breakfast burritos (I worked off this recipe here: http://www.momontimeout.com/2011/08/breakfast-burrito-bonanza.html, and cooked a double batch of pancakes (chocolate chip and blueberry). The chicken was certainly the deal of the week. Our local grocery store, IGA, had boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $1.48/lb!! I bought nearly 8lbs, which gave me 15 chicken breasts. I baked them for an hr or so and let them cool. Then I decided to try shredding them with my mixer. I'd seen the idea on a blog somewhere, although she used her fancy Kitchen Aid. I don't have a Kitchen Aid, but thought I'd see what my little hand mixer could do. It worked pretty well! It certainly saved me quite a bit of time (usually I shred chicken by hand). I ended up with 33 cups of shredded chicken which I packaged in 2 cups portions, so enough for 15 dinners, and a 1 cup baggie that is just enough for a pizza.

Shredding with my mixer
Close up of shredded chicken
15-2 cup portion, 1-1cup portion
27 breakfast burritos filled with cheese, scrambled eggs, potatoes, and sausage
7-2cup portions of cooked pinto beans
I know I will certainly be dragging once the baby is here so having easy and quick to eat items for breakfast and lunch will definitely come in handy. The house has also been swept, vacuumed, mopped, and dusted, windows cleaned etc....Oh and I washed Corban's bedding again today so that it will be nice and fresh for him. And I packed my hospital bag too.. guess everything is ready on this end! 

Come on out Corban!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

38 weeks and the Bun is Still in the Oven!!

Today marks 38 weeks and Corban is still cookin'!!! I've been praying and praying to reach this far in the pregnancy, so thanks be to God!!! I'm not sure how much longer he will stay put though. I have been having contractions nearly all day long for the last couple days and lots of pelvic pressure... so we'll see what this week brings. I feel like he's dropped a little bit too... so maybe he's getting ready to come out and play soon!!

I don't have any new belly pics to mark this milestone, but here are a couple that Kris took around 36-37 weeks that I hadn't posted yet.

Jonathan & Corban
Shadow fun
Aaron & Corban
Kisses for Corban
The bump!
 Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers! I can't wait for Corban to meet you and feel the fullness of the Family of God!!

Guess I better get my hospital bag packed!